Leo Café, Albert Street


Leo Cafe is a warm and cosy little outdoor café located on Albert Street. This street is lined with an Indian restaurant, a couple of pubs (one is Irish!) and this small café.


This otherwise mundane street transforms into a lively place every evening with the fairy lights and the chatter of diners at the various outlets. We were staying in Albert Court hotel which was practically next door. The place is run by a family so the service is warm and inviting without being intrusive. We opted for this cafe on a day when the little one was too tired and slept off early. So with the little one tucked away safely in our hotel room, we came down to have dinner here.


A Tiger beer, chicken fried noodles and a seafood fried rice made up our order as we had already had a pretty heavy meal as our evening snack after a day at Sentosa. Both the dishes were freshly prepared and had bags of flavor. The seafood fried rice deserves a special mention..it was just amazing!
Overall, Leo Café is definitely a good place to just sit back and relax. The amazing outdoor ambience adds to the nice service and good food.

Leo Café
Address: 180, Albert Street, Singapore
Cuisine:  Local and Western